4.4 Editing a PIV applicant

The MyID Operator Client provides the following screens to allow you to edit the details of PIV applicants:

Each screen provides the same information and allows you to edit the same details.

You are recommended to assign the Initial PIV Enrollment and Update PIV Applicant options in the Edit Roles workflow to your operators who carry out PIV enrollment, and to assign the Edit PIV Applicant option only to administrative users who may need to carry out edits on people accounts that already have fingerprints enrolled, but cannot use the person's fingerprints to authenticate.

For FIPS 201 compliance, subsequent updates to an applicant's record after the initial enrollment should be authenticated using the applicant's fingerprints; for more information about compliance with FIPS 201, see the The PIV Applicant Editor role section in the PIV Integration Guide.

The PIV applicant editing screens work in the same way as the Edit Person screen does for non-PIV applicants (see section 4.3, Editing a person), but have the following additional tabs:

For more information about PIV attributes, see the Editing PIV applicants section in the PIV Integration Guide.

To edit a PIV applicant:

  1. Search for a person, and view their details.

    See section 4.1, Searching for a person for details.

    You can also view a person's details from any form that contains a link to their account.

    For example:

    • Click the link icon on the Full Name field of the View Request form.
    • Click the link icon on the Owner field of the View Device form.
  2. Click one of the following options in the button bar at the bottom of the screen:

    • Initial PIV Enrollment – if the applicant does not yet have fingerprints enrolled.

    • Update PIV Applicant – if the applicant already has fingerprints enrolled.

    • Edit PIV Applicant – used as a privileged workflow to bypass the biometric authentication for editing PIV applicants.

    You may have to click the ... option to see any additional available actions.

  3. For Update PIV Applicant only:

    1. The Verify Fingerprint dialog appears.

      Note: The MyID Operator Client remembers the Verification Device you select the next time you try to verify fingerprints, and automatically opens the Fingerprint Capture dialog without you having to click Verify. If you need to change the verification device, close the Fingerprint Capture dialog.

    2. Select the Verification Device you want to use from the drop-down list.

    3. Click Verify.

      The Fingerprint Capture dialog appears.

    4. Follow the instructions on screen.

      If the fingerprint does not match, an error similar to the following appears:

      OA10051: No match was found for the fingerprint

      You can click Verify to attempt to match again. If you exceed the number of match attempts (configured by the Number of fingerprint validation attempts option on the Biometrics tab of the Operation Settings workflow), an error similar to the following appears:

      OA10050: Number of fingerprint attempts has been exceeded

  4. Update the person's details.

  5. Click Save.

4.4.1 Setting the person's status

On the Status tab of the PIV applicant editing screens, you can see the following options:

4.4.2 Providing the person's position details

On the Position tab of the PIV applicant editing screens, set the following details:

4.4.3 Providing the details of the person's sponsor

On the Sponsor tab of the PIV applicant editing screens, set the following details:

4.4.4 Providing the person's application documents

On the Application tab of the PIV applicant editing screens, you can provide details of the following documents for the person:

Note: You can scan identity documents using the MyID Operator Client; see section 4.6, Scanning documents.

Complete the following details for the person:

For each identity document, provide the following details:

4.4.5 Providing the person's biometrics

On the Biometrics tab of the PIV applicant editing screens, you can provide the person's biometric details, including scanning fingerprints and capturing facial biometrics. Personal details

You can provide the following information about the person: Signatures

If a signature has been imported for the person, it is displayed on this screen: Iris data

If an iris has been captured for the person, the following indicator is displayed:

If no iris has been captured for the person, the following indicator is displayed instead:

Note: You cannot capture iris data using MyID. To add iris data to a person's record, use the Lifecycle API. For more information, see the PivCardRequest/Agency/Applicant/Biometry/BioSample section in the Lifecycle API guide. Fingerprints

You can capture fingerprints for the person. If the person has already had fingerprints captured, they are indicated on the Fingerprints control. If the person already has fingerprints captured, you can still capture their fingerprints; any additional fingers are added to their record, and any updated fingerprints replace the fingerprints stored in the database.

To capture fingerprints:

  1. Click Capture Finger.

    The fingerprint dialog appears:

  2. Select the fingers you want to capture.
  3. Click Confirm.

    The fingerprint capture dialog appears. Follow the on-screen instructions to capture each fingerprint.

    Note: The Account for missing fingerprints and Enforce a minimum number of fingerprints during enrollment? options are not enforced when capturing fingerprints using the MyID Operator Client.

Note: Once you have captured the fingerprints, the newly-captured fingerprints are indicated on the capture control on the Biometrics tab; previously-captured fingerprints are not indicated until you exit the PIV applicant editing screen and re-enter it. Facial biometrics

For information on capturing facial biometrics, see section 4.7, Capturing facial biometrics.

4.4.6 Considerations

The PIV applicant editing screens in the MyID Operator Client do not work in exactly the same way as the Edit PIV Applicant workflow (which was available in MyID Desktop in previous versions of MyID). There are some differences and limitations:

There are some differences in the field names between the MyID Operator Client and MyID Desktop:

MyID Desktop

MyID Operator Client


Employee ID

Address 1

1st line of Address

Address 2

2nd line of Address


Agency Association

Extra Info

Additional Information

Birth Country

Country of Birth

Place of Birth

Applicant's Place of Birth


Racial origin of cardholder

Iris Captured

Iris Status

[Sponsor] Position

Position of sponsor

[Sponsor] Email

Email of sponsor

[Sponsor] Agency

Agency of sponsor

4.4.7 Adding PIV applicants from a directory

You can use the Edit Person (Directory) screen to add a new user from a connected LDAP.

Note: If you have the Edit Directory Information configuration option (on the LDAP page of the Operation Settings workflow) set to No, you will be unable to edit any of the person data that is mapped to the directory. The default is Yes.

The user must belong to an LDAP group that is mapped to an existing MyID group, and the Search a Directory option (on the LDAP page of the Operation Settings workflow) must be set to Yes or Ask.

If you use click the Edit Person button on the View Person (Directory) screen to select a user who is not already in the MyID database, the user is imported, given the Cardholder and Password User roles, and assigned to the group that matches their LDAP group. If you want the person to be a PIV applicant, add the PIV Applicant role to their list, and click Save. You can then use the PIV applicant editing screens to edit the user's details as normal.

To add PIV applicants from a directory, you must set up the groups in MyID before you begin: